制作方法: 1. 鸡肉去皮去骨,每只鸡腿切8-10片。(costco 有卖去皮去骨好的鸡腿肉)。
2. 鸡腿片加2勺食盐,2勺料酒放入一只zipper bag腌20分钟。
3. 然后冲去盐和多余的水,沥干。放入一只zipper bag加4勺生抽,4勺ketchup,2勺蜂蜜汁室温下要至少浸渍25分钟,放入冰箱内浸渍需2小时。
5. 用一个平底煎锅,锅里放一勺油,中火,然后放入鸡串,待一面煎至金黄,翻另一面,改小火,
如果要烤的话,在室内:5A. 放进烤箱400度,烤10分钟,翻转再烤5分钟,二面变金黄,用小勺取多余的汁,浇到肉串上收一下汁,因为有糖在里边,所以汁不要收的太干。能让其入味就可以啦。(如图)
如果要烤的话,在室外:5B.烤时肉串离火7~8厘米,不时加以翻转,将鸡肉烤硬脆,肉变焦黄色,约烤5分钟。 (在朋友家的party上,照片来不及拍就吃完了)。
Teriyaki Chichen stick:
(Fried, in door and out door BBQ)6-8 pieces of chicken lags or thighs;
2 tbsp slat;
2 tbsp sake (rice wine) or Chinese rice wine;
4 tbsp soy sauce;
4 tbsp ketchup;
2 tbsp honey;
*grated ginger
Preparation:1.Clean chicken leg by taking off fat and bones. Slices each chicken leg into 8-10 pieces. (Costco sales chicken without fat and bone)。
2.Marin chickens slices with salt and wine above 20 minutes or over night in the refrigerator. Wash off all salt and let it nature dry.
3.Mix chicken with other ingredients in a zipper bag. Marinate the chicken in for 25 minutes at least or 2 hours in the refrigerator.
4. Take 3~4 pieces of sliced chicken and put on one stick. (stick needs to soak in water first to avoid burnning).
For fried method:5. Heat some vegetable oil in a nonstick pan. First, one side of the chicken on medium heat until is browned. Turn the chicken over to fry the other side on low heat. Pour the sauce used to marinate chicken in the pan. Cover the pan and steam cook the chicken on low heat until done. Remove the lid and simmer until the sauce becomes thick. Stop the heat and serve on a plate.
For BBQ method:5A.
in door - put them into oven at 400oC for 10 minutes on one side, another side for 5 mintues.
out door BBQ - put on grill for 10 miniutes on one side and 5 mintues for another side.
Make sure it completly cooked before eat.
Pour thickened sauce over the teriyaki chicken. Garnish with grated ginger if you would like.