Showing posts with label Translated by AJ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Translated by AJ. Show all posts

Sunday, July 15, 2012

厨房里的快乐 100 - Meatball 牛肉丸子

这是100 期来个全家福:
meatball 牛肉丸子, 上海小排骨 和 烤虾仁 是满足了家里每个人的爱好。
meatball 牛肉丸子:
1.1lb 的美国超市买的牛肉馅,拌入一勺生姜粉,一勺蒜粉和一勺盐。
2. 用大勺将肉馅拌成大的肉团子。
3. oven 预热到375F,将团子烤20分钟,
4.重新再拿一锅,放入切好的洋葱,再放入烤好的牛肉丸子,煮15分钟,再加入一些 meatball sauce 就可以了。

English Version: (Translated by AJ)
This is a special 100th post, dedicated to my family:
Beef Meatballs, Shanghai Small Ribs and Shrimp Kebabs meet all the preferences of each family member.

Beef Meatball Recipe:
1. Start with 1lb of ground beef, stir in a spoonful of ginger powder, a spoonful of garlic powder and a spoonful of salt.
2. Use a big spoon to make shape the meat into meatballs. 
3. Preheat the oven to 375F, then let the meatballs cook for 20 minutes. 
4 Use another pan to cook the meatballs. Add chopped onion, then add the grilled beef meatballs. cook for 15 minutes, then add meatball sauce on it.

厨房的快乐 99 - 薄荷茶的做法

1. 将薄荷冲洗干净;
2 用一大锅将水和薄荷一起煮半个小时;
3 等薄荷水凉透了,放入冰箱冻起来;
4 可以做成 smoothie,凉茶等。

English Version (Translated by AJ)

My friends gave me some natural mint leaves, so I searched online for some recipes: 
1. Clean the mint leaves (Not with soap!)
2. Cook mint and some water for half an hour. 
3. Wait until the water cools, then freeze the mint leaves and water. 
4. Make a smoothie, or mint tea.