Saturday, April 18, 2009

厨房里的快乐5-果仁酥糖 (加上英文版,Eglish version)

第一次吃到这款酥糖,是一位朋友从台湾带来,真在又香又酥。以后再回上海时,也找到了含有各种 nuts 的这种酥糖。可是每次带回来后,一下子就吃完了。最近在家附近的有机食物店里看到有各种各样的生的Nuts 卖,就试著做了,没想到第一次就很成功。超级简单。

原料:1. 1 lb Cashew nut (腰果,花生,南瓜子和杏仁也可以),
2. ½ lb白芝麻,
3. 棉花糖 Marshmallows 1/3 bag or 3 oz. ,2大 勺butter。
做法:1. Nuts 和芝麻 用烤箱 300F,10分钟烤熟,当心不要烤焦。
2. 棉花糖marshmallows加butter在锅里用小火加热融化,加入烤熟的果仁,拌匀。长方型的容器底部先放parchment paper(Walmart有卖)防粘,再放酥糖压平,等凉透成形后,切块。

My younger son said this looks like rice treat, so I called it as Nuts treat.
Nuts Treats:
1. 1lb of cashew nuts (other nuts such: peanuts, pumpkin nuts, sliced almond are all fine);
1/2 lb white sesame seeds.
2. 4tbs of unsalted butter;
3. 1/3 bag or 3 oz marshmallows.

1. Roast nuts: heat oven to 300 degrees. Place nuts and sesame seeds in even layer on baking sheet. Roast 12 to 15 minutes. Remove from baking sheet and place in large bowl and cool.

2. In large saucepan melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat.

3. Add roast nut and sesame seeds stir until well mixed and coated.

4. Using buttered spatula or parchment paper(from Walmart store)evenly press the mixture into 13 x 9 x 2-inch pan. Cool. Cut into 2-inch squares. It can be stored into sealed contain for server days.

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