April 4 的豆渣玉米糕,April 18 的果仁酥糖和June 7 的夏日甜品都有加英文版。
1. 酥皮辩子面包:
A. 牛奶 1 杯,鸡蛋 1 个(Large的),高筋面粉(bread flour) 3 杯,低筋面粉(cake flour) 1/2 杯,糖 4tbsp,盐 1/2 tsp,发酵粉 (yeast) 3 tsp,heavy whipping cream 2/3 杯。
B. 2 tsp butter,切小块混合1tsp 白糖和1tsp面粉,放回冰箱待用,
另外需要蛋黄一个打散加水,碎的杏仁一点, 装饰表面的。
1.牛奶加1tbsp白糖 用microwave 加热到不烫手,再加1tbsp面粉和3 tsp 发酵粉 (yeast),搅拌均匀,静置10分钟以上,看到有泡沫发起(图1)。
2. 鸡蛋提前从冰箱拿出回温到室温,(将1个鸡蛋打散,放入面包机,然后放入A料,heavy whipping cream,盐,面粉,起动面包机dough程序,几分钟面团基本成型,等到dough 程序停止(大约1个半小时),这是原来的方子)。我是用Mixer揉面, 将1个鸡蛋打散 加全部的面粉+heavy whipping cream and sugar和盐,揉3 分钟至揉约20分钟,这时面团揉到扩展阶段,即可拉开薄面膜。
3. 拿一个大容器, 上面倒点油,抹开,放上做好的面团,上面盖一张湿润的bounty paper, 放到oven 内发酵 (oven 先开 warm 档,到达温度 后关掉,再放入面团), 等到面团发至原来的两倍大, 这是第一次发酵, 约1小时(图2)。
4. 第一次发酵后,将发酵好的面团杆成长方形,放在大烤盘里,盖上保鲜纸, 放在冰箱里1小时左右,把面团拿出来, 杆成大的长方形薄片, 抹上C料一半奶油, 两面向中间折起来,把剩下的奶油抹上去, 再对折。把面团切成3份,取其中的一份. 另外两个可以包好了放在冰箱里。(可以隔天再烤,也可以用作下面的小面包)。
5. 将其中的一份.剪成3条,一头不要剪断,编成辫子,两头折到下面,放进抹了油的小吐司 盘里(8x6 inch), 辩子面包生胚就做好了,将面包生胚,放在暖和的地方保温, 等到面团发至原来的1倍大, 这是第2次发酵(图3)。将表面涮上蛋液再加B料 (酥皮的来源), 就可以烤了。
6. 烤箱加热到375F后,放入面包烤15-20分钟 (依面包的大小调时间) 。 (图4)。
材料: 同上。
做法: 1-3 到第一次发酵同上。第一次发酵后,将面包团分成15-18 份 (或用上面余下的两个面团分成10份),做成小面包团,(也可以包上各种馅),做好面包生胚。将面包生胚摆上烤盘,放在暖和的地方保温,等到面团发至原来的1倍大, 这是第2次发酵。将表面涮上蛋液再加B料 ,就可以烤了。
4. 烤箱加热到350F后,放入面包烤15-20分钟,看到面包皮发黄(图4)。
面包出炉,放到还有些余温是,将面包放到一个有盖的容器里,盖上盖子,2 小时后面包皮就光亮油软,那时再吃最佳。
1. 从第一次牛奶加yeast发酵到第三次发酵完成,发酵三部曲是成功的关键。尤其是第一次牛奶加yeast发酵一定要看到有泡沫,如果没有就要重做。
2. 为了100%的成功,我是用量杯和量勺。
Chinese soft bread
A. Milk 1 cup (150ml), eggs 1(Large), bread flour 3 cups+1/2 cup of cake flour, sugar 50 g (about 4tbsp), salt 1 / 2 tbsp, dry yeast 3 tsp, heavy whipping cream ½ cup;
B. 2 tsp butter, cut small pieces 1tsp sugar and 1tsp mixed flour, back into the refrigerator ready for use. In addition the need for decoration, add water, egg yolk, almond pieces that decorate the surface.
C. 2tsp butter.
1. Use microwave heating milk and 1tbsp sugar warmed to 10 to 15 seconds (~40oC), add 1tbsp flour and 3 tsp dry yeast, mixing evenly, standing more than 10 minutes, to see the bubble launched. (pic. 1)). If it does not, discard and use a fresh package of yeast.(dry yeast should be stored in refrigerator before you use)(图1)。
2. Put the flour and remaining sugar in the work bowl of a food processor fitted with the metal blade. Process 2 seconds. With the machine running, pour the warm milk mixture, egg and heavy whipping cream down the feed tube in a steady stream. Process until it forms a rough ball. If ball is sticky and wet, add a little more flour. Process a few seconds longer, or until dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl. Remove dough to a lightly floured board.
3. Knead dough, dusting with flour to keep it from sticking, until smooth and elastic, about 2 minutes.
4. Place in a large oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm spot until doubled. (In the winter, put dough in oven fermentation – turn oven to warm, after the temperature reached the turn off, then put the dough). Made to wait until the dough twice as big as the original. This is the first fermentation, about 1 hour(图2)。
5. After the first fermentation, punch down dough and place on a lightly floured surface. Rod dough into rectangular sheets, add half the butter C, pack up the middle for two, add the remaining butter, and fold again. Cut the dough into 3 pieces.
The other two can be a wrap on the refrigerator for next day use or do follow steps - form into rolls, buns or loaves.
6. Use of rectangular sheet. Cut one end in three, but don’t cut another end, make into braids, folding into the following two, and put veg. oil in a small toast plate (8x6 inch), cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm spot until doubled. This is second fermentation(图3)。
7. Brush the surface of the egg together with the material B (the source of pastry), Ready for bake it.
8. Bake it in oven at 375oF, 15-20 minutes, check the break turn to brown color. Depends the oven(图4)。
Pastry bread:
Material: same as above.
Direction: same as above 1-5 to the first fermentation.
6. If preparing filled buns: Cut dough in half. Form each half into a 12-inch long log; cut into 10 pieces. Roll each piece into a 4-inch circle. Roll outer inch of each circle 1/8-inch thin; leave middle slightly thicker.
7. If right-handed, place a dough circle in palm of your left hand. Put a big tablespoon of filling in the; middle; put left thumb over the filling. With your right hand, bring up edge and make a pleat in it.
8. Rotate circle a little and make a second pleat. As you make each pleat, gently pull it up and around as if to enclose your thumb. Continue rotating, pleating and pinching, then gently twist into a spiral. Pinch to seal. Place bun pleated side down on a parchment square. Repeat with remaining dough and filling. Put buns 1 1/2 inches apart on a baking sheet. Let rise until doubled in size, 30 minutes to 1 hour.
9. Preheat oven to 375F. Brush the surface of the egg together with the material B (the source of pastry), bake it 15-20 minutes, check the break turn to brown color. Depends the oven(图4)。
1. From the first fermentation of milk with yeast to ferment the completion of the third, fermentation is the key to the success.
2. Each material should be measured accurately.