Monday, May 28, 2012

厨房里的快乐 98 - 戚风蛋糕卷


材料: (卷好长度为15吋)
蛋4个,糖 80g (蛋白和蛋黄各一半),牛奶50 ml,沙拉油 45ml,兰姆酒或水果酒15ml,低筋面粉80g,泡打粉 半小匙,白醋或柠檬汁1小匙。
10x15吋长方浅烤盘(26x38.5 cm),烤盘纸2张,电动搅拌器,橡皮刀。

1. 烤盘上铺纸,在边缘四个角落各剪出一个缺口,整理烤盘纸使服贴在烤盘上。烤箱预热至180 C/ 350 F。
2. 蛋黄与蛋白分开,大碗里放入蛋黄与大约一半的糖,搅拌均匀,加入牛奶、兰姆酒与植物油搅拌至糖溶解。混合低筋面粉与泡打粉,筛入蛋液中,搅拌至无粉粒。
3. 在干净无油的打蛋盆中放入蛋白与白醋一起打发,中途加入剩下的糖,直到中性发泡(提起搅拌头可以拉出尖角且翻转也不会滴落)。
4. 用橡皮刀舀出1/3蛋白泡与蛋黄面糊拌匀,然后把拌好的面糊全部倒回剩下的蛋白泡中搅拌均匀,倒入烤盘中,把表面括平,用力震一下烤盘释放大气泡,然后放进烤箱烤约12分钟。
5. 鲜奶油加入糖粉一起打发至固态,拌入草莓丁备用。准备好一个冷却架,上面铺好一张烤盘纸(B),蛋糕出炉后,立刻倒扣在烤盘纸(B)上,静置25分钟待凉,冷却之后撕掉蛋糕底纸(A:原来铺烤盘用的那张),将蛋糕底纸(A)干净的那面朝上放好,将蛋糕片整个翻过来倒扣在底纸(A)上,然后再撕掉烤盘纸(B)丢弃不用。蛋糕表面抹上一层鲜奶油夹馅(最远的末端要保留约1吋长不涂鲜奶油,这样收口处才不会有鲜奶油溢出),以15吋长的那端开始卷起,这时可以用下方的烤盘纸(A)辅助收卷,还可以用杆面杖顶在后方帮助使收卷的角度平均,一边卷,一边收起烤纸,收尾处调整在正下方,以烤纸(A)包裹、移入冰箱冷藏静置半小时即可切片食用。

Recipe found online:

4 eggs
Sugar 80g 
50 ml of milk 
3 tablespoons salad oil
1 tablespoon of rum or wine
 low-gluten flour 80g 
half tsp baking powder 
1 tsp white vinegar or lemon juice.
Heavy Cream
1 cup powdered sugar 
3 tablespoons chopped strawberries which is about half a cup.
10x15-inch shallow rectangular baking pan (26x38.5 cm) 
baking paper 
an electric mixer
a rubber spatula

1. Lay the baking paper in the pan and cut off the excess paper. Preheat oven to 180 C / 350 F.
2. Separate the egg yolk and whites, and put the egg yolk in a big bowl. Add about half of the sugar, stir, then add the milk, rum and vegetable oil and stir until the sugar dissolves. Mix the flour and baking powder in a separate bowl, then add into the egg mixture and stir until mixed. 
3. In a clean oil-free pot pour the protein and vinegar together to around half the pot. Add the remaining sugar, until mixed well. (the mixing head can be pulled out if hitting the sides of pot and flipped; will not drip).
4. With a rubber spatula scoop out 1/3 of the egg white mixture and egg yolk batter and mix well, then the bubble of marinated batter all fell back to the rest of the protein Stir, pour into a baking dish, including the surface level, hard look at earthquake pan to release large air bubbles, and then into the oven and bake for about 12 minutes.
FIVE fresh cream by adding powdered sugar together sent to the solid state, mix the strawberries spare. Ready for a cooling rack, above the paved a baking paper (B), immediately after the cake is baked, upside down on a baking paper (B) and let stand 25 minutes and let cool, and cooling to tear up the cake at the end of paper (A : the original shop pan goes) will clean it face down on the cake at the end of paper (A) put away the cake slices over and upside down on the backing paper (A), and then tear up the baking paper (B) to be thrown away. Cast a layer of whipped cream stuffed to the surface of the cake (as far as the end to retain about 1 inch long coated whipped cream, so shut Department will not whipped cream overflow), began to roll up to 15 inches long end of the line, which the bottom of the baking paper (A) can use the auxiliary winding to help make the average of the winding angle can also be used to stick the top of the club face in the rear side of the volume, while away the baking paper, ending at the adjustment just below, to bake paper (A) parcel, moved into the refrigerator to put it aside for half an hour to slice edible.

厨房里的快乐 97 - 凉拌绿豆凉粉




  crab meat,生抽,辣椒油、黄瓜丝、芝麻油、精盐、醋和蒜泥搅匀即成。

Monday, May 21, 2012

厨房里的快乐 96 - 腊肉的烤箱做法

新鲜的猪腿肉 二磅,盐二— 三勺,酱油少许。

1. 猪肉用水冲洗干净,沥干。
2. 将盐撒上去,抹匀。放入冰箱一天。
3. 烤前将盐冲去。再用酱油抹上,腌20分钟。
4. 烤箱 250oC, 2-3 小时。肉里的油烤出来了, 肉也熟了,即可。