Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Happiness in the kitchen 123 - 厨房里的快乐123 鸡腿炖香菇

Happiness in the kitchen 122 - 厨房里的快乐122 肉末酿香菇

Happiness in the kitchen 121 - 厨房里的快乐121 红豆糯米芒果西米露

用料:糖适量,小冰块适量,椰奶半罐250毫升,小西米100克,mung bean starch 100g, 蜂蜜2大勺红豆半杯,红糯米1杯,红冰糖适量,大芒果二个切片。
1.红豆红糯米洗净加红冰糖放入instant pot, 比一般煮饭少1/3 的水煮好饭,盛入容器中,尽量压紧放入冰箱待用。
3.做jelly: mung bean starch 100g, 600 ml 的水,用小火不停的搅拌至透明色后放入2大勺蜂蜜拌匀后放入冰箱,二小时后取出切块。
4.将1.红豆红糯米也切成小块, 二个芒果切成片状,混合23后,再加适量的冰块。                          

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Happiness in the kitchen 120 - 厨房里的快乐120 cod fish in iron skillet


1. 1& 1/2 lbs cod * fresh from Costco.
2. 4 pc of garlic chopped, 4 pc of ginger, few lemon slices, 2 tsp salt, 2 tsp ground pepper,  1tsp miso with 1tsp soil sauce, 1/2 tsp  balsamic vinegar ( from Costco). 
3. 2tsp veg. oil (using high boil point oil), herbs parsley or cilantro, 

1. Pre-heat oven for 385F, or use airfryer 350F. 
2. Cut cod into smaller pieces. Add 2 pc of garlic, 2 pc of ginger and some squeezed lemon juice, all #2 ingredients with the cut cod into plastic bag for seasoning over 10 mins.
3. Pure 1 cup of flour, mixed with 1tsp salt, 1tsp of ground pepper, let seasoning cod coating with the flour.
3. Heat 2 tbsp veg. oil in a iron skillet over medium-high heat. Once oil heated, add coated cod to skillet. Cook 2 minutes.Turn cod over, top with  cook another 2 minutes. Turn heat off.  Don’t overcook, it will become mushy and completely fall apart. 
4. Transfer cod into pre-heated oven for 10 mins,
5. Drizzle cod with fresh lemon juice. Top with fresh herbs or green onion, if desired. Serve immediately.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Happiness in the kitchen 119 - 厨房里的快乐119 蒸茄子 ( steam eggplant by instant pot)

配料:4片大蒜,1大匙油,2 大匙生抽酱油,1小匙盐,1小匙糖。
做法:三条长的茄子切成长条块,放在一只可以放入电子高压锅上铺平。用steam 档6分钟即可。
2.同时锅里放入2大匙油,34瓣大蒜用中火煸出香味,加入2大匙酱油 (也可再加辣酱),加半杯水烧滚。倒入熟的茄子,翻炒上色后起锅。

Happiness in the Kitchen 118 - 厨房里的快乐 118 pecan pie


1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoon butter melted
1 cup of nuts granded

2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
3/4 cup light corn syrup
1/2 teaspoon fine salt
1 cups chopped pecans
1 cup whole piese pecans
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
3 eggs, lightly beaten

Read more at:


Friday, December 23, 2016

Happiness in the Kitchen 116 - 厨房里的快乐 116 上海油爆虾

2016 的冬天,远在美国的Delaware 州也有了团购群,所以也可以吃到新鲜的游水虾,做了油爆虾,才尝到了鲜虾的原始鲜味及一点点的甜味!
1.新鲜的活虾用水冲洗干净,用厨房纸巾吸干 (图1);

           2. 最关键是虾第一次只炒一-二分钟,看到虾变色就起锅。第二次重新入锅中加入调料     入味。
这样做出来的新鲜虾不仅美味好吃,而且虾皮和虾肉很容易分解! (图2)


Saturday, December 3, 2016

Happiness in the Kitchen 115 - 厨房里的快乐 115 - 草莓饼干)

Original from ""

I made a modification as follow, reduce the sugar in a half amount.


12 ounces strawberries, hulled and cut into 1/4-inch dice (2 cups)
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup + 1tablespoons granulated sugar
4 cups all-purpose flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
6 ounces (6 tablespoons = 1+1/2 pc) cold unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
1 & 1/3 cup heavy cream
Sanding sugar, for sprinkling


Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine strawberries, lemon juice, and 2 tablespoons granulated sugar. Whisk together flour, baking powder, salt, and remaining 1/2 cup granulated sugar in a large bowl. Cut in the butter or rub in with your fingers, until mixture crumbs. Stir in cream until dough starts to come together, then stir in strawberry mixture.
Using  a tablespoon, drop dough onto baking sheets lined with parchment, spacing evenly apart. Sprinkle with sanding sugar, and bake until golden brown, 24 to 25 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack, and let cool. Cookies are best served it immediately, but can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 1 day.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Happiness in the Kitchen 114- Cucumber salad (厨房里的快乐 114 - 黄瓜沙拉)

Cucumber salad:
Materials: two cucumbers , half a pound of asparagus and boiled diced, a tomato and a red sweet pepper, and a hard-boiled egg.
Ingredients: 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil ,2 teaspoons salt, 2 teaspoons black pepper, 1 teaspoon soy sauce.

1. Cucumber peeled and cut into small pieces, tomatoes, red pepper and a cooked eggs are all cut into small pieces,

2 in a large bow, first cucumber and asparagus with olive oil and mix well, helpful cucumber marinated with oil, then cucumber water is not easy to come out, then put asparagus with tomato, pepper pieces, add salt and mix together.

3 Add a boiled egg pieces and sprinkle with black pepper. 

4 Ready to enjoy.


2.  在一只大碗中先将黄瓜和芦笋用橄榄油拌匀,这样黄瓜和芦笋的水分就不容易出来了,再加番茄和辣椒,撒上盐一起拌匀。
3. 加入煮熟的鸡蛋块,撒上黑胡椒粉就可以了

Friday, November 27, 2015

Happiness in the Kitchen 113 - Thanksgiving Turkey 厨房里的快乐 113 - 2015 火鸡烤法

感恩节是美国的家庭大餐。今年的火鸡是用朋友介绍的Asian Turkey 方子,又嫩,味道又足。吃得大家说竞然比烤鸭还好吃。加上 stuffing, mashed potato, pie. 美式火鸡大餐一样不少。

1. 火鸡是星期一Costco 买的新鲜未冻过的 ,不用解冻,里里外外在流水中洗净。洗完后也把水池洗干净。
2. 一杯盐+一勺花椒,炒热后抹在火鸡上里里外外的都揉搓一遍,然后放在冰箱内腌了二天。

3. 做stuffing:脖子和内脏洗净开水煮一下,去掉浮沫捞出。锅中换清水加热,再加入脖子和内脏,加入料酒,盐,酱油,糖,花椒,葱段,姜块,蒜瓣,和一罐chicken broth 先煮好一锅汤。再加入切碎三根西芹,一个小洋葱和一个番茄,放在一烤盘内再放在一边。等到火鸡烤好的前半小时,再放入半杯核桃仁和半袋干面包,并放入烤箱和火鸡一起烤熟。

4. 将好的火鸡全部冲洗干净。再将皮尽量分离肉体,在夹层内抹入半条butter。然后将翅膀和二只腿分別用面线绑紧。

5. 火鸡肚内放一个切成两片的洋葱,一个苹果,和一个梨。再将火鸡放在烤盘中的架子上,然后用锡箔纸将翅膀和腿分別盖住。烤箱400度预热后,火鸡就可放进烤炉。第一个小时,在火鸡身上也盖在锡纸。第二小时后掀开锡箔纸盖。第三小时烤350度直到火鸡烤熟。火鸡的具体烤制时间是按温度控制,我这次烤的溫度较高,所以三个小时全部烤好。(165C)

6. 和火鸡一起吃的,还有 mash potato, pecan pie, mixture nuts. 和一道中国莱:麻婆豆腐。