Sunday, October 25, 2020

Happiness in the kitchen 厨房里的快乐 -140 肉松叉烧酥



     低筋面粉 (cake flour) 180g澄清黄油 (clarified butter)或猪油72g
2.水油皮材料 (得水油皮约360g,分割为16份)
      中筋面粉 all purpose flour 200g, 20g, 盐 5克澄清黄油,或猪油,或素油 80g, 
       温水 70g(请按情况调整水量)


1.先做水油皮:clarified butter 或猪油冻,microwave 融化成拌入allpurpose flour,再一点点加水拌匀,加5克盐,用小熊揉面机,揉I0分钟后,再醒20分钟。一定要软一点,放在室温高一点的地方,不能冷却,因为油会凝固,后面不好操作。

2.油皮是clarified butter 融化后拌入低筋面粉,用保鲜膜包裹好防止开裂。



5.用375F 10分钟后,再涂上蛋黄液,再烤8分钟,最后改成400F5分钟上色。

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Happiness in the kitchen 厨房里的快乐 -139 蒜末粉丝蒸鲜扇贝



8-10只 大鲜贝,或者6只大扇贝,1小包烟台龙口粉丝,切碎的4瓣大蒜,二小勺细盐,一小勺料酒,二大勺生抽酱油。



2* 如果是扇贝,需要先浸泡一小时去沙,然后分别用面粉和盐再搓洗干净。再用上面的鲜贝的处理。


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Happiness in the kitchen 厨房里的快乐 -138 蒜末粉丝蒸虾


10 pc shell shrimp, 1 small page noodle, diced 5 pc garlic , 1 tsp wine,  1 tsp salt, 2 tbsp 酱油


1. soak rice noodle in warm water for 20 mins. then add 1 tsp 酱油 and water to cook 3 mins.
2. 10 pc shrimp cleaned up, add 1tsp salt, wait 10 mins, then put in shrimp middle with ginger & garlic, add rice noodle on bottom of shrimps on a plate.
3. add 1 tbsp soy sauce to shrimp and noodle , steam all together for 8 mins。

happiness in kitchen 厨房里的快乐 -137 上海炒面 (两面黄)


1 Lb noodle, 1/2 Lb sausage, 1 tsp salt, 1tsp soy sauce, few other freeze vegetables. 


1. Add  the noodle into boiled water, until cooked, then drain it with cold water. 
2. Stir 1/2 lb cooked meat ( sausage, chicken breast, beef siren), freeze peas, corns, etc. 
3. Then add dried noodle and slat and soy sauce into, stir all together, until see noodle becoming harder on one side. Flip to another side, ready to eat.

Happiness in the kitchen 厨房里的快乐 - 136 日式照烧沙文鱼



1. 1 lb Salmon, 1 tsp salt, butter, 1/2 lemon, 

2. Japanese grilled sauce* (1 tsp salt,1 tbsp 清酒 cooking white wine, 1tsp miso sauce +1tbsp water, 1 tsp sugar,1tbsp 生抽酱油)


mix well add to salmon, put salmon into air fryer, 375C, 5mins on each sides. then add left Japanese grilled sauce.

Use same way to cooking chicken. 

Happiness in the kitchen 厨房里的快乐 - 135 韩国拌面



1lb of Korean noodles, 1/2 lb spinach, 1/2 mung bean sprouts, shredded egg 

1 lb braised beef, 

韩式牛肉酱汁 (Korean teriyaki beef sauce:1 tsp salt, 2 tsp 糖  sugar, 1 tbsp 生抽酱油  soy sauce,         1 tsp 蜂蜜  honey, 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 tsp 味霖或米洒   mirin or rice wine, 1/8个奇异果   1/8 kiwi minced , 1 -2 蒜瓣   1-2 clove garlic, minced)


1. put spinach, mung bean into boiled water for 1~2 mins, and cut them into slice. make shredded 2 eggs. roast beef or teriyaki beef.

2. put noodle into boil water for 4~5 mins, then soak it in cold water, drain out

3. add all mixture with Korean teriyaki beef sauce.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Happiness in the kitchen 厨房里的快乐 - 134 洋葱芹菜烤鱼 grill fish


1 Lb salmon or other fish, 3 pc of celery, 1/2 pc red onion, 4 pc of mushroom, 1/2 red pepper 

1tsp miso with 1tsp soy sauce to make 日照烧烤汁. 1tbsp 豆瓣酱, 1tbsp soy sauce.


(1) wash salmon, and dry it. Marinated with 日照烧烤汁 10 mins.

(2) steam celery, onion, and mushroom with oil, add 豆瓣酱& Sauce, put them on top of salmon. 

(3) add tomatoes, and peper on top of salmon, using airfryer 350F for 8 mins. Then turn salmon another side for 5 mins Or completely cooked. 

Happiness in the kitchen 厨房里的快乐 - 133 - 日式豆腐肉圆


1/2 Lb ground pork + 1/2 firm tofu diced + 2 mushrooms diced

1 tsp salt, ginger powder, 3 garlic powder, 2 tbsp cooking wine, 1tbs miso sauce+water


(1) mixed all well all ingredients, then use 2 spoons to make a ball sharp, and roll around with sweet potato powder. 
(2) using airfryer, pread oil on baking sheet, put each ball separate on the baking sheet, baking each side at 375F for 10 mins, total 20 mins
(3) in a fry pan add 2 tbsb water and left miso sauce & 1tsb sugar, make a mixture sauce on the top of 烤好的豆腐圆子上. 

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happiness in the kitchen 厨房里的快乐 - 132 July 4, 2020

法式烤鸭肉樱桃酱见French duke with cherry sauce