Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Happiness in the kitchen 119 - 厨房里的快乐119 蒸茄子 ( steam eggplant by instant pot)

配料:4片大蒜,1大匙油,2 大匙生抽酱油,1小匙盐,1小匙糖。
做法:三条长的茄子切成长条块,放在一只可以放入电子高压锅上铺平。用steam 档6分钟即可。
2.同时锅里放入2大匙油,34瓣大蒜用中火煸出香味,加入2大匙酱油 (也可再加辣酱),加半杯水烧滚。倒入熟的茄子,翻炒上色后起锅。

Happiness in the Kitchen 118 - 厨房里的快乐 118 pecan pie


1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoon butter melted
1 cup of nuts granded

2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
3/4 cup light corn syrup
1/2 teaspoon fine salt
1 cups chopped pecans
1 cup whole piese pecans
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
3 eggs, lightly beaten

Read more at: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchens/pecan-pie-recipe.html?oc=linkback


Friday, December 23, 2016

Happiness in the Kitchen 116 - 厨房里的快乐 116 上海油爆虾

2016 的冬天,远在美国的Delaware 州也有了团购群,所以也可以吃到新鲜的游水虾,做了油爆虾,才尝到了鲜虾的原始鲜味及一点点的甜味!
1.新鲜的活虾用水冲洗干净,用厨房纸巾吸干 (图1);

           2. 最关键是虾第一次只炒一-二分钟,看到虾变色就起锅。第二次重新入锅中加入调料     入味。
这样做出来的新鲜虾不仅美味好吃,而且虾皮和虾肉很容易分解! (图2)


Saturday, December 3, 2016

Happiness in the Kitchen 115 - 厨房里的快乐 115 - 草莓饼干)

Original from "http://www.marthastewart.com/315652/strawberry-shortcake-cookies"

I made a modification as follow, reduce the sugar in a half amount.


12 ounces strawberries, hulled and cut into 1/4-inch dice (2 cups)
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup + 1tablespoons granulated sugar
4 cups all-purpose flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
6 ounces (6 tablespoons = 1+1/2 pc) cold unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
1 & 1/3 cup heavy cream
Sanding sugar, for sprinkling


Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine strawberries, lemon juice, and 2 tablespoons granulated sugar. Whisk together flour, baking powder, salt, and remaining 1/2 cup granulated sugar in a large bowl. Cut in the butter or rub in with your fingers, until mixture crumbs. Stir in cream until dough starts to come together, then stir in strawberry mixture.
Using  a tablespoon, drop dough onto baking sheets lined with parchment, spacing evenly apart. Sprinkle with sanding sugar, and bake until golden brown, 24 to 25 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack, and let cool. Cookies are best served it immediately, but can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 1 day.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Happiness in the Kitchen 114- Cucumber salad (厨房里的快乐 114 - 黄瓜沙拉)

Cucumber salad:
Materials: two cucumbers , half a pound of asparagus and boiled diced, a tomato and a red sweet pepper, and a hard-boiled egg.
Ingredients: 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil ,2 teaspoons salt, 2 teaspoons black pepper, 1 teaspoon soy sauce.

1. Cucumber peeled and cut into small pieces, tomatoes, red pepper and a cooked eggs are all cut into small pieces,

2 in a large bow, first cucumber and asparagus with olive oil and mix well, helpful cucumber marinated with oil, then cucumber water is not easy to come out, then put asparagus with tomato, pepper pieces, add salt and mix together.

3 Add a boiled egg pieces and sprinkle with black pepper. 

4 Ready to enjoy.


2.  在一只大碗中先将黄瓜和芦笋用橄榄油拌匀,这样黄瓜和芦笋的水分就不容易出来了,再加番茄和辣椒,撒上盐一起拌匀。
3. 加入煮熟的鸡蛋块,撒上黑胡椒粉就可以了

Friday, November 27, 2015

Happiness in the Kitchen 113 - Thanksgiving Turkey 厨房里的快乐 113 - 2015 火鸡烤法

感恩节是美国的家庭大餐。今年的火鸡是用朋友介绍的Asian Turkey 方子,又嫩,味道又足。吃得大家说竞然比烤鸭还好吃。加上 stuffing, mashed potato, pie. 美式火鸡大餐一样不少。

1. 火鸡是星期一Costco 买的新鲜未冻过的 ,不用解冻,里里外外在流水中洗净。洗完后也把水池洗干净。
2. 一杯盐+一勺花椒,炒热后抹在火鸡上里里外外的都揉搓一遍,然后放在冰箱内腌了二天。

3. 做stuffing:脖子和内脏洗净开水煮一下,去掉浮沫捞出。锅中换清水加热,再加入脖子和内脏,加入料酒,盐,酱油,糖,花椒,葱段,姜块,蒜瓣,和一罐chicken broth 先煮好一锅汤。再加入切碎三根西芹,一个小洋葱和一个番茄,放在一烤盘内再放在一边。等到火鸡烤好的前半小时,再放入半杯核桃仁和半袋干面包,并放入烤箱和火鸡一起烤熟。

4. 将好的火鸡全部冲洗干净。再将皮尽量分离肉体,在夹层内抹入半条butter。然后将翅膀和二只腿分別用面线绑紧。

5. 火鸡肚内放一个切成两片的洋葱,一个苹果,和一个梨。再将火鸡放在烤盘中的架子上,然后用锡箔纸将翅膀和腿分別盖住。烤箱400度预热后,火鸡就可放进烤炉。第一个小时,在火鸡身上也盖在锡纸。第二小时后掀开锡箔纸盖。第三小时烤350度直到火鸡烤熟。火鸡的具体烤制时间是按温度控制,我这次烤的溫度较高,所以三个小时全部烤好。(165C)

6. 和火鸡一起吃的,还有 mash potato, pecan pie, mixture nuts. 和一道中国莱:麻婆豆腐。


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happiness in the Kitchen 112 - Cranberry Cookies 厨房里的快乐- 112 蔓越莓饼干

1. 黄油软化后,加入糖粉,搅拌均匀。不需要打发。
2. 加入1大勺鸡蛋液,搅拌均匀。
3. 倒入蔓越莓干。如果蔓越莓干的个头比较大,需要先切碎(不要切太碎)。
4. 倒入低筋面粉
5. 搅拌均匀,成为面团。用手把面团整形成宽约6CM,高约4CM的长方体.并放入冰箱冷冻至硬(约需要1个小时,是冷冻不是冷藏哦)。
6. 冻硬的长方形面团用刀切成厚约0.7CM的片。切好后放入烤盘,放进预热好的烤箱烤


配料:低筋面粉115克,鸡蛋液(打散的全蛋)1大勺(15ML),黄油60克,糖粉15克(加入黄油中打发),炼乳20g, 蔓越莓干15克。

Online prescription:
Ingredients: 115 g flour, eggs (beaten whole egg) 1 tbsp (15ML), butter 75 grams, 60 grams sugar, 35 g dried cranberries.
Baking: 365 degrees, about 20 minutes, until slightly golden surface.
Production process:
1. softened butter, add powdered sugar, and mix well. You do not need to pass.
2. Add 1 tablespoon of liquid egg, mix well.
3. Pour dried cranberries. If dried cranberries's head is relatively large, we need to be chopped (do not cut too broken).
4. Pour flour
5. Stir become dough. The dough is formed by hand the entire width 6CM, height of about 4CM the cuboid. And placed in the freezer until firm (takes about one hour, is not frozen Oh refrigerated).
6. frozen hard dough with a knife cut a rectangular piece of thick 0.7CM. After a good cut into the oven, put in the preheated oven

I changed the ingredients after (less sweet):

Ingredients: 115 g flour, eggs (beaten whole egg) 1 tbsp (15ML), butter 60 grams, 15 grams sugar (added butter to pass), condensed milk 20g, dried cranberries 15 grams.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

厨房里的快乐 111- 珍珠肉圆子

Displaying photo.JPG


原料:肉馅 一磅,马蹄片(1 can),糯米 半磅,盐 一 茶勺,生抽 二茶勺,葱,姜和料酒少许,蛋清一只。


1. 将糯米提前浸泡4小时以上,荸荠片切碎备用。

2. 将肉馅放入碗中,加入蛋清搅拌均匀,再加入葱姜,再加生抽,料酒,盐和马蹄碎片搅拌均匀(搅拌的时候一定要顺着一个方向转)让肉馅上劲。

3. 取适量肉末做成小球形,粘上糯米。

4. 在蒸锅内放白菜叶,将珍珠丸子摆放好,上蒸锅大火上气后转中火蒸20分钟即可。

Sunday, January 5, 2014

厨房的快乐 110 - 素鸭和素鹅-改良版


1. 将一包百叶切成三等份,放入开水中煮开。拿出后,挤开水份。
2. 炒锅内放入所有2的全部料,再将过水的百叶放入,一起煮十分钟,让其自然凉却,拿出待用。
3. 将一大新鲜豆腐皮对切,再切成四,一共是切成8等份。
4. 将煮过百叶的汤汁倒一长方形大容器。
5. 将三张豆腐皮放入汤汁内泡软,卷成一小巻,再巻二张煮过的百叶。重复四到五次,直到卷成一吋厚,二吋宽的豆腐皮卷。
                                     8. 冷却后切片,装盆。

Monday, September 2, 2013

厨房里的快乐 108 - 鲜肉小月饼

1.油皮:普通面粉2杯(200g), 素油3/4杯(75g), 水3/4杯(75g), 盐一勺, 糖一勺。
2.油酥:普通面粉1杯(120g), 油2/3杯(75g), 盐一勺.
3. 肉馅:像鲜肉包子馅一样拌好,放入冰箱置二小时以上。

若做芝麻馅:芝麻粉3大勺,butter 2tsb,糖2大勺,混合均匀,揉成8个小团子。
4. 蛋黄一只为刷皮用。

1. 将面粉,油放入钢盆中,慢慢加入水混 合,搅拌均匀,表面较为光滑为止。
2. 将面团用保鲜膜包起,松弛30分钟待用。

1. 将面粉、油放入一起混合拌匀。 用手搓揉,直到面粉与油完全混合。
2. 再继续搓揉,直到油酥不黏手,表面稍成光滑即可。

1. 将油面, 油酥分割八份,每一份油皮压平,再放入一份油酥包起来。
2. 用双手压住油皮周围,由外向内合紧,再把多余的油皮捏紧。
3. 将油酥皮杆成长方形,由上至下把油皮卷起。再压平再卷起,切成二份待用。
4. 将一份油酥皮对切半的那面朝上,另一边朝下,用手稍微压一下,包上鲜肉馅,用虎口将油酥皮周围由外往内合紧,可以收口处沾点水帮助收口。放在烤盘上。 刷上蛋黄液。
5. 然后再粘黑芝麻放入烤箱预热10分钟,365F,烤16~18分钟。