Friday, December 23, 2016

Happiness in the Kitchen 116 - 厨房里的快乐 116 上海油爆虾

2016 的冬天,远在美国的Delaware 州也有了团购群,所以也可以吃到新鲜的游水虾,做了油爆虾,才尝到了鲜虾的原始鲜味及一点点的甜味!
1.新鲜的活虾用水冲洗干净,用厨房纸巾吸干 (图1);

           2. 最关键是虾第一次只炒一-二分钟,看到虾变色就起锅。第二次重新入锅中加入调料     入味。
这样做出来的新鲜虾不仅美味好吃,而且虾皮和虾肉很容易分解! (图2)


Saturday, December 3, 2016

Happiness in the Kitchen 115 - 厨房里的快乐 115 - 草莓饼干)

Original from ""

I made a modification as follow, reduce the sugar in a half amount.


12 ounces strawberries, hulled and cut into 1/4-inch dice (2 cups)
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup + 1tablespoons granulated sugar
4 cups all-purpose flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
6 ounces (6 tablespoons = 1+1/2 pc) cold unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
1 & 1/3 cup heavy cream
Sanding sugar, for sprinkling


Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine strawberries, lemon juice, and 2 tablespoons granulated sugar. Whisk together flour, baking powder, salt, and remaining 1/2 cup granulated sugar in a large bowl. Cut in the butter or rub in with your fingers, until mixture crumbs. Stir in cream until dough starts to come together, then stir in strawberry mixture.
Using  a tablespoon, drop dough onto baking sheets lined with parchment, spacing evenly apart. Sprinkle with sanding sugar, and bake until golden brown, 24 to 25 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack, and let cool. Cookies are best served it immediately, but can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 1 day.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Happiness in the Kitchen 114- Cucumber salad (厨房里的快乐 114 - 黄瓜沙拉)

Cucumber salad:
Materials: two cucumbers , half a pound of asparagus and boiled diced, a tomato and a red sweet pepper, and a hard-boiled egg.
Ingredients: 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil ,2 teaspoons salt, 2 teaspoons black pepper, 1 teaspoon soy sauce.

1. Cucumber peeled and cut into small pieces, tomatoes, red pepper and a cooked eggs are all cut into small pieces,

2 in a large bow, first cucumber and asparagus with olive oil and mix well, helpful cucumber marinated with oil, then cucumber water is not easy to come out, then put asparagus with tomato, pepper pieces, add salt and mix together.

3 Add a boiled egg pieces and sprinkle with black pepper. 

4 Ready to enjoy.


2.  在一只大碗中先将黄瓜和芦笋用橄榄油拌匀,这样黄瓜和芦笋的水分就不容易出来了,再加番茄和辣椒,撒上盐一起拌匀。
3. 加入煮熟的鸡蛋块,撒上黑胡椒粉就可以了